
This island is very organised for biking and walking routes. You can download the GPS (gpx files) coordinates for the route and they even suggest a free App where you can download for free the area maps for off-line use and import the trail. So with phone on a handlebar silicone mount (thanks H S White) and power bank I was set for the day. The bike rental was just around the corner so I was away before 10am with helmet and repair kit. Navigation was easy thanks to the App but some intersections had 5 or more options. You soon know when you’re going the wrong way. I headed south along the coastline to Lumbarda – actually I missed the town as followed paths by the sea.

I got to the most easterly point of Korčula Island called Raznjic.

From here the climbing started and that seemed tough. Out of condition or the heat from the sun which was intense. It was supposed to be only 28°c today but it felt much hotter and no breeze to help. I was going through my 2 litres of water very quickly. My route was taking me passed a cafe and then later on a restaurant so all should be good. The café was closed and water was getting low.

Wonderful scenery of olive trees and vineyards down to the coastline.

I eventually made it to Pupnat, a town in the centre of the island (and thankfully my highest point) only to find the restaurant there was closed also. Saved by the Studnac, a small supermarket, a shady table nearby and a breeze to help cool me down. Water and lunch at 2pm.

From here it was a very steep road down to the northern coastline. Way steeper than what the sign said. I’d guess up to 15% or more which is why the bike hire place advised I do my planned route in reverse – THANKS. I doubt I could have biked up it.

The coastline was beautiful with many little coves.

But a good head wind all the way back to Korčula.


Back before 4pm so 6 hours all together. My 7.5 kph average included the stops – not cycle fit! Back for a swim, shower and rest. Another great day.

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